Management and Business Theory + Internship
iMBA in Management and Leadership
The 18-month, 36-credit iMBA (internship-based MBA) in Management & Leadership, prepares students to effectively manage and lead in today’s complex workforce. Our iMBA is unique. No prior work experience is required. We kickstart our students career, by placing them in a 12 month paid internship after 6 months of training. After completion of the iMBA students can apply for OTP(Optional Training Program) and continue to gain experience through another 12 month internship. The program prepares students for their careers by exposing them to a rich body of research in managerial theory, and also by incorporating 9 credits of internship experience in the New York City metropolitan area as a capstone experience.
Students will develop skills in
As a concentration within the iMBA students can choose either to get a certificate in Project Management or to become certified SAP consultant. The certificate in Project Management is specifically tailored to prepare students for the exam administered by the Project Management Institute; the SAP certificate is officially sanctioned by the SAP Corporation, the world’s largest provider of business software. These courses will occur in intensive 1-week sessions on the main.
Unless you have attended an English-speaking high school, college or university for at least one year, taking credit-bearing academic courses in English, you must take a test of English language proficiency and achieve a satisfactory score to be considered for admission. Graduate students must achieve at least an iBT TOEFL 75, PTE 50 or IELTS band 6.0 to be directly eligible for admission.