Québec is a destination of choice for anyone with plans to immigrate for professional reasons. Each year, Québec selects thousands of immigrant workers whose skills, in addition to other factors, facilitate their job integration.
Recognized for its quality of life, Québec offers an environment that is unique in the world, with abundant nature, safe cities and a welcoming society.
Permanent workers
Maximum number of applications
During the periods indicated below, the Ministère will receive a maximum of 6300 applications for a selection certificate:
From November 4 to December 15, 2015
- Intake of 3500 applications in print version sent by mail
Be sure to send a complete file. Follow the instructions on the pageOfficial immigration application.
From January 18 to March 31, 2016
- Intake of 2800 applications submitted using the online tool
The tool allowing you to submit your application online will be accessible as of early 2016. More details will be announced shortly on our website.
Submitting an application at any time
However, if you are in one of the following situations, you can submit your application at any time:
- you submit an application under the Programme de l’expérience québécoise (Québec experience program);
- you have enclosed a valid employment offer with the application for a Certificat de selection du Québec that you submitted under the Regular Skilled Worker Program;
- Citizenship and Immigration Canada has informed you that it has agreed to process your application for permanent residence in Canada;
- you are a temporary resident and eligible to submit an application for aCertificat de sélection du Québec.
Before December 31, 2015
- Intake of applications in print version sent by mail
Be sure to send a complete file. Follow the instructions on the pageOfficial immigration application.
As of January 5, 2016
- Intake of applications submitted using the online tool
The tool allowing you to submit your application online will be accessible as of early 2016. More details will be announced shortly on our website.
Priority processing
The following applications will receive priority processing:
- applications submitted under the Programme de l’expérience québéboise (PEQ - Québec experience program);
- applications that include a valid employment offer;
- applications from candidates who earned points under the factor Area of training.
For more information on selection conditions for skilled workers, visit the page Requirements of the Immigration Program for skilled workers.
The intake period for applications submitted under the Investor Program is from August 31, 2015 to January 29, 2016 (only the Ministère’s seal will constitute proof of the date of receipt of your application) or until the maximum number of applications has been attained.
The Ministère will receive a maximum of 1750 applications for a selection certificate under the Investor Program, including a maximum of 1200 from applicants from China (including Hong Kong and Macao).
Investor applicants who demonstrate, by means of a test recognized by the Ministère, that they have an advanced intermediate knowledge of French, are not subject to this maximum number of applications and can submit their application at any time. These applications will receive priority processing.
All applications must be sent to the Direction du courrier, de l’encaissement et de l'évaluation comparative, in Montréal.
Maximum number of applications
The maximum number of 150 applications for a Certificat de sélection du Québec that can be received under the Entrepreneur Program has been attained.
Entrepreneur applicants who demonstrate, by means of a test recognized by the Ministère, that they have an advanced intermediate knowledge of French, are not subject to this maximum number of applications and can submit their application at any time. These applications will receive priority processing.
All applications must be sent to the Direction du courrier, de l’encaissement et de l'évaluation comparative, in Montréal.